Free Debt, Benefits &
Money Advice
3 Counties Money Advice is a group of business professionals and fully trained advisers from local churches. Irrespective of our different denominations, we all work together to give impartial advice and assistance on a variety of money related issues. We operate in partnership with Frontline Debt Advice (UK), a charity that has offices across the South of England. We provide free and confidential debt and benefit advice to anyone, irrespective of race, religion, age, gender or disability, who is in financial distress.
Our volunteer advisers have many years’ experience working in this field. They often liaise with government and other agencies to provide a totally confidential, free service to anyone in need, regardless of background or belief. All our advisers are fully trained, DBS checked and update their skills regularly. We hold a license with the Financial Conduct Authority. 3CMA delivers its services in different ways – each appropriate to the needs of the local community and the resources of local volunteers. We rely on funding through grants and donations from companies, churches and individuals, as well as our own fundraising efforts